Knowledge Management
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Success Story – Kaldi
How franchise chain Kaldi Coffee & Tea ensures openness and transparency with WoodWing Scienta.
- Centralized knowledge sharing: one platform for all documents and information for greater efficiency.
- More efficient processes: less red tape through task management and better organized communication.
- Greater transparency: franchisees have easy access to important information, which complies with the franchise law.
- Better engagement: thanks to convenient search functions and forms, franchisees work more independently.
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Optimal use of knowledge and efficient, simple and transparent cooperation. These are important ingredients of successful franchise formulas such as Kaldi. This Dutch coffee and tea chain was looking for a transparent, easy-to-use and clear knowledge management system to share information with its franchisees. Annet Diek, Office Manager at the company, explains how she and her colleagues were able to centralize and professionalize information flows with WoodWing Scienta.
About the client
Almost 25 years after its founding, Kaldi is among the five largest suppliers of quality coffee and tea in the Netherlands. With the motto ‘Kaldi, the shortest way to the perfect cup of coffee or tea’, a franchise formula has been created where you can smell, taste, and, of course, buy coffee and tea in one of the 25 branches or 10 mobile espresso bars in a modern, stylish ambiance. The latter can also be done online.
The proactive involvement of the Scienta team makes all the difference for us.
Annet: “As a franchisor, we are mainly concerned with marketing-related questions and the use of different systems. As an office manager, I have to keep an overview and make sure everyone is in the right place and does what they have to do. So, I spend a lot of time supporting, facilitating, and answering questions. Lots and lots of questions.”
The challenge
“With the growth of the organization and the franchise law amended in 2021, working efficiently and according to the rules became even more important. Providing openness was one of the new regulations, and it's easier when you're working with a limited number of systems.”
“So we started looking for a solution to manage all the information centrally. One central place where franchisees can easily access all important data and one channel through which we could improve and optimize communication with them.”
“Key words in our search: transparent, easy, clear.”
The solution
“In the end, we chose and went with Scienta, which we have been using since 2022 to communicate with our franchisees. One of the first steps we took after the purchase was to use Scienta for our franchise newsletter. For me, that works ideally and saves a lot of time chasing people. For the activities to be carried out, I create tasks in Scienta and assign them to colleagues, whereby I have insight into the status at any time.”
WoodWing Scienta helps us facilitate growth and create transparency.
“In the beginning, we had to get used to recording everything directly in Scienta, but we adapted quickly because this saved us a lot of double work. Consider, for example, the minutes of consultations with the franchise council and internal discussions. That way, everything is recorded immediately, and thanks to the easy-to-set-up rights structure, everyone only sees the information he or she has access to.”
“We have also worked hard to make the corporate identity manual and all kinds of manuals available in Scienta. This makes it easier for the franchisee to search for information themselves with the system's strong search function. If they no longer have to call and email all the time, it saves a lot of time for everyone.”
“The Scienta forms are used for ordering special or seasonal coffee and tea, but also for inventory and collection of votes when certain decisions have to be made. For example, with the levy on products containing plastic, that has taken quite a bit of effort for us and the branches. We used the forms to ask all franchisees for their opinion, which is a bit faster than if you had to call 25 locations.”
The result
“Scienta is increasingly seen as our central archive. Newsletters, manuals – you can find everything there. That's nice, for example, when someone leaves, because then that person's knowledge is retained for the company.”
“But it is also useful to be able to find starting information of how things work in one place when onboarding people. And sometimes it happens that there are discussions with franchisees and then you can show that things have really been communicated.”
“The central availability of information creates openness. If we do something, the franchisees can see it immediately. This openness and transparency are not only required by law but simply work well for all parties.”
“For both the newsletter and the forms, I work with the creation of tasks. To this I can add deadlines and possibly extra information from Scienta. That way, you keep an overview and insight and everything is in black and white.”
“The cooperation with Scienta is good, especially the support department – I think it is fantastic. During the implementation, they helped us with everything, and if I submit a ticket, I have someone on the phone in no time.”
With Scienta, we have one place where franchisees can find all the important information and professionalize our communication with them.
“After we had worked with Scienta for some time, we were called to ask what we were up against and what else they could help us with. That proactive approach is no longer self-evident to me, but it is very nice.”
What's next
“As far as the future is concerned, we want to pay even more attention to the involvement of the franchisees with Scienta, so that they can work with this even more independently.”
“We want to continue to grow, so it would be nice if we could create a separate page for new franchisees. Where there is also a lot of potential for us are home pages per brand. A dashboard where you can find everything about that product: from product video to appointments.”
“As far as I'm concerned, we can get a lot more out of Scienta. But before we can make use of it, we will first have to invest time in this ourselves, and that is not always obvious.”

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