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Enterprise Information Management

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Content Orchestration

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Content Creation


Content Creation

Collaborate and create high-quality channel-neutral content


Digital Asset Management

Manage and distribute digital assets for streamlined content


Multichannel Publishing

Maximize reach with seamless multi-channel content publishing

Content Management


Document Management

Centralize and control your documents, ensuring secure access


Information Management

Become more agile, reduce risks and benefit from available data


Knowledge Management

Bring knowledge and people together to work on quality


Process Management

Describe and organize processes and make them accessible to everyone


Quality Management

Collectively ensure that you do the right things in the right way


Risk Management

Gain insight and control over every aspect of risk management.

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How one of Germany’s largest news publications increased editorial and production workflow efficiency using WoodWing’s publishing software.

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Take charge of your content

WoodWing Studio

Streamlined content creation and multichannel publishing solution

Assets Logo (base)

Enterprise-grade digital asset management for streamlined workflows

WoodWing Swivle

Cloud-based DAM for seamless file management and collaboration

WoodWing Scienta

Software to collaborate on quality and have control over and maximize the benefits of the knowledge present in your organization.

WoodWing Xtendis

Secure digital archiving and document management system

Connect Logo (base)

Powerful integration suite for seamless connectivity and automation

WoodWing Smart Styles

Efficient plugin for enhanced Adobe InDesign design workflows


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Optimized workflow, improved collaboration, and brand consistency



Modern document and quality management helps you manage risks and improve processes



Ensure unity with document, quality, and knowledge management



Always access the latest version of each process, protocol, guideline, or agreement


Housing Corporations

Document management from context, always up-to-date, complete and accurate documents



Consistent branding, accelerated launches, and integrated content management



Efficient content creation, collaboration, and multichannel publishing


Retail & eCommerce

Streamlined catalog and marketing content production for faster time-to-market


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Increase efficiency with process, document, and quality management

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Overcoming retail industry challenges: how to deal with inconsistent branding and other retail pain points

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Is your organization ready for NIS2 and the DORA Act?

Successful data protection and cybersecurity management? Ensure the human dimension

Successful data protection and cybersecurity management? Ensure the human dimension

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Enterprise Information Management

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Content Orchestration

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Content Creation


Content Creation

Collaborate and create high-quality channel-neutral content


Digital Asset Management

Manage and distribute digital assets for streamlined content


Multichannel Publishing

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Content Management


Document Management

Centralize and control your documents, ensuring secure access


Information Management

Become more agile, reduce risks and benefit from available data


Knowledge Management

Bring knowledge and people together to work on quality


Process Management

Describe and organize processes and make them accessible to everyone


Quality Management

Collectively ensure that you do the right things in the right way


Risk Management

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Der Spiegel

How one of Germany’s largest news publications increased editorial and production workflow efficiency using WoodWing’s publishing software.

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Take charge of your content

WoodWing Studio

Streamlined content creation and multichannel publishing solution

WoodWing Studio

Collaborative content creation and multichannel publishing solution that simplifies workflows and streamlines production processes.

Assets Logo (base)

Enterprise-grade digital asset management for streamlined workflows

WoodWing Assets

Enterprise-grade digital asset management solution that streamlines your creative workflow and simplifies collaboration among team members.

WoodWing Swivle

Cloud-based DAM for seamless file management and collaboration

WoodWing Swivle

Cloud-based DAM solution for managing, sharing, and collaborating on digital files from anywhere and on any device.

WoodWing Scienta

Software to collaborate on quality and have control over and maximize the benefits of the knowledge present in your organization.

WoodWing Scienta

Quality management platform for regulated industries that simplifies compliance, knowledge sharing, and collaboration.

WoodWing Xtendis

Secure digital archiving and document management system

WoodWing Xtendis

Digital archiving and document management system that allows organizations to store, manage, and access their digital assets securely.

Connect Logo (base)

Powerful integration suite for seamless connectivity and automation

WoodWing Connect

Powerful integration suite, including APIs, webhooks, plugins, and the best-in-class iPaaS solution (powered by Workato).

WoodWing Smart Styles

Efficient plugin for enhanced Adobe InDesign design workflows

WoodWing Smart Styles

Plugin for Adobe InDesign that streamlines design workflows by allowing designers to apply predefined styles quickly.


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Is your organization ready for NIS2 and the DORA Act?

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Quality Management

5 minutes of reading

What is quality management? And how do you approach it?

Every organization focusing on continuously improving its product portfolio, production process, service, or the organization itself deals with quality management. Yet, for many, the exact meaning of quality management and, more importantly, how to actually implement it remains unclear. Before we provide the tools for this, it's essential to understand that quality management is not industry-specific; organizations actively involved in it continuously improve themselves.


What is Quality Management?

In a general and cross-industry sense, quality management is everything your organization undertakes to ensure quality. To do this effectively, everyone within the organization must contribute, but quality management must be centrally supported. When this is the case in an organization, it is often a department within or close to management that is responsible for improving the quality of the organization, processes, services, products, or customer service.

Why Do You Need Quality Management?

As an organization, you are always looking for improvement. Increase sales, develop better products, create more beautiful designs, hire more and better staff; you can pursue quality improvement in many ways across the entire organization. However, even if you initiate various initiatives that should lead to quality improvement, it doesn't automatically mean that your efforts will actually lead to the desired improvement. Quality can also decrease due to external influences, internal problems, unforeseen circumstances, or a staff shortage (consider, for example, the concept of the VUCA world).

In practice, you often lack good insight into your current process performances, or standards for processes are not clearly established. This makes it difficult to start with quality management. If you don't start with a clear vision of quality management, you'll get stuck before you even started. In this case, quality management models can offer a solution, as they provide the tools to ensure you make the right decisions. You implement a quality management model in your organization by using quality management software – this ensures a structured approach and allows everyone within your organization to participate in the process. This is an important condition, as quality management only works well when everyone is moving in the same direction.

What does ISO have to do with quality management?

The ultra-short answer is: everything. This is not very surprising, as we often hear the terms ISO 9001 and quality management mentioned together. But why is that the case? To begin with, ISO 9001 is the recognized standard when it comes to quality management. If your organization has earned the ISO 9001 certificate, you demonstrate globally that you can consistently deliver products and services that meet the required quality. You can also look at it the other way around: if you haven't properly designed and implemented quality management within your organization, you simply won't qualify for the ISO 9001 certificate.

Innovative quality management

There is a high degree of consensus on the idea that not only the quality manager within an organization is responsible for quality – 95% of quality managers agree with this, as research shows. Everyone within the organization is responsible for quality; and this idea is also embedded in the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards. Chapter 4 of the ISO 9001 handbook, which discusses leadership, communication, and involving and facilitating people, states it as follows:

Quality management must be communicated, understood and applied.

The connection between strategy and practice, between management and the people on the work floor, is central here. This requires new competencies, from both managers and employees, and in many cases, new processes and systems that need to be introduced in the organization.

Is quality management measurable? How?

Quality management = improvement. Improving processes, a product, information flows. But when is something better? And how do we measure that? Is it actually precisely measurable? There are methods, certainly. The best way to measure it is to express it in money. Even better is to express it in 'money to be won' or 'money to be saved'. For a food manufacturer, for example, you could calculate what it would yield if there is less overproduction, or when waiting times and transport are optimized.

Quality management in five actionable items

As indicated earlier, quality management is not something that only plays a role in one part of the organization, but ideally lives and is practiced within all divisions and processes of a company – certainly within the management team. But how do you start quality management within your organization in a good way? Here are five concrete action points that provide the necessary guidance to properly start with quality management within your organization.

Ensure insight

Insight into the status of the quality of processes, for example, around production or logistics, forms the basis of optimizing those processes. Insight into what each stakeholder does, how current processes run, or the extent to which customers are satisfied, indicates where the opportunities for improvement lie.

Add structure

Whether you do this using the PDCA cycle, Lean, Six Sigma, or any other quality management model, is not the most important thing. Insight is what you need; you choose the model that helps you best achieve that insight. The PDCA cycle is a process that consists of four steps: Plan, Do, Check, (Re-)Act. Due to the cyclical nature of this model, there is a continuous process, which in practice means that you continuously pay attention to quality improvement. Quality management through process management, so to speak.

Working with a model makes it clear to everyone within the organization in which phase the organization is, what the next step is, and what the goal of that next step is. Working according to fixed steps and processes provides structure. Employees also become accustomed to the way of working, ensuring quality management always gets priority.

Create a support base

Improving quality alone within an organization is difficult; quality management is something that must live in all layers of the organization. You need colleagues who want to join in your plans and changes.

To get them on board, it's important to make colleagues part of the change. Involve them in the process, give them a say, and be clear about the goals.

Having a clear vision and mission to hold on to is important because change generally always causes chaos within an organization. A clear vision, ideally coupled with a clear action plan, offers at least a bit of light at the end of the tunnel of change.

Make it practical

Innovation also has far-reaching practical consequences. If quality management is new to the organization, employees will have to get used to a new way of working and a new way of thinking. If you're setting up your quality management, i.e., switching to another model, then your employees will have to get used to a new system where everything – quality manuals, documentation, internal audits, reports, and external audits – looks different. You don't have to be clairvoyant to understand that this will have a huge impact on their work.

Make it fun, try to familiarize employees with (a new method of) quality management in a relaxed way instead of constantly having them on their toes to learn a new system as quickly as possible. Experiment with internal audits by applying a different audit methodology. There are various types of internal audits. The best-known methodology is a classic process audit, which looks at whether procedures are being properly followed in practice. But it can also help to do something different: surprise your employees by having them participate in a result-oriented audit. Or audit the customer-friendliness of your organization: for example, what risks are there that stand in the way of optimal customer experience, and how does your staff deal with them?

Keep Optimizing

Quality management also means constantly looking for ways to do things better, more efficiently, and less time-consumingly. Waste due to manual actions is one of the biggest inhibitors of growth. This applies to internal processes within your organization, but certainly also to your quality management system itself.

Why keep Excel sheets by hand if this can be done in real-time? Why write a voluminous report about the context of your organization if a simple mind map suffices, or is even preferred?

Quality management means not only looking at the quality of products, services, or processes but also critically examining the software and other systems surrounding quality management. Keep evaluating and keep optimizing. And don't be afraid to change if the situation calls for it.


Published on December 04, 2023

Kitty van Commenee

Kitty van Commenee, started as a Content Marketer and now a Demand Generation Manager, develops powerful marketing campaigns with a keen focus on writing, social media, and strategy.

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